Marco Cesandri Sculptor

Marco Cesandri

The metal craftsman turned sculptor of the high Marche in Italy.

From a childhood passion for robot cartoons to upcycled metal art
Marco Cesandri comes from a family of metal artisans based in Genga, in the heart of the rolling hills of the high Marche region. He started down the road to becoming an artist after a collaboration with a furniture designer in Rome, repurposing used metal into furniture.  This project ignited a passion, which was probably already dormant inside after being a passionate fan of robotic cartoons as a youngster.
Artist at work

I was introduced to Marco in the medieval village of Arcevia in Le Marche Italy. A friendly Roman designer we started chatting with insisted we meet him, and we found him in his little showroom, packed full of art, trendy furniture, & amazing metal sculptures.

After some chatting, we agreed we absolutely must meet up to take some photos. The concept of welding, artists, and historic workshops sounded like a visual jackpot to me.

After weeks of missed rendezvous due to Marco at exhibitions, pop-up showrooms, or taking in a well-earned tan in Minorca, the opportunity finally came up to meet at his amazingly positioned workshop in Genga.

Officina - where art is created in the hills of Le Marche, Italy

"Mi ha affascinato la figura del pesce e poi arrivo da un paesino di campagna, gli anziani recuperano tutto qui da me: lattine, ferro, tutto quello che è possibile riutilizzare. Ecco da dove nascono le mie opere"
“I was fascinated by the figure of the fish even though I come from a small country village, the old people salvage everything here: cans, iron, anything that can be reused. That’s where my works are born” Marco Cesandri

Genga Castle - Castello di Genga summer showroom of Marco Cesandri

During the hot summer months, many talented artists from the region of Le Marche set up exhibitions and showrooms in the stunningly preserved castle in Genga – Castello di Genga.  Marco’s showroom and many of his latest works can be found there. 
la fine..

To get in touch with Marco connect with him on Instagram @marcocesandri.

Look out for his showroom in the beautiful Genga Castle in the summer.

Photography by Nicholas Beck –  © Beck Photography Italy.  For licensing and other inquiries, contact me via email.

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What’s covered and what’s not in the Le Marche professional Airbnb Photography Packages?

Locations - Profesional Airbnb photography packages in Le Marche, Italy

The professional Airbnb photography packages are available in the following towns and villages and their surrounding areas:

Pergola, Senigallia, Ancona, Ostra, Arcevia, Jesi, Moie, Sassoferrato, Fano, Fabriano, Cingoli, Matelica, Cagli, Acquaviva, Apecchio, Acqualagna, Urbino, Cupramontana, Marotta, Marzocca, Falconara Marittima, Urbino, Urbania, Carteco, Lucrezia, Ponto sasso, Montecarotto, Serra de’ Conti, Palazzo, Loretello, Nidastore, Barbara, Ostra Vetere, Genga

If you don’t see your location listed here, or your property is located nearby to one of the places listed, please just get in touch to confirm whether your location is covered. For areas outside of those listed, a travel supplement may apply.

Acceptance of Bookings

Bookings are not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email, or they have been confirmed over the phone or other method. While I will do my best to meet your requested date of booking, in certain cases this may not be possible and other dates may be proposed.  I reserve the right to turn down bookings where I am not able to provide the service for whatever reason.


Payment may be required to confirm your appointment, or upon delivery of the finished photos. 

Number of Photos Included

Standard Package – a minimum of 20 professionally captured and edited Airbnb photos which is the ideal number for an Airbnb or listing.

Go Large Package – A minimum of 30 professionally captured and edited Airbnb photos.  There will sometimes be more, depending on the type of property.

For extra photos or special requests, these will usually be charged as extra on a per photo basis fee.  I will do my best to confirm the costs before attending your property.